Saturday, November 1, 2014

The art of packing

Yesterday was a pretty busy day of packing. Thanks to all of our (well, let's be honest - Elise's) prep, we were mostly boxed up in the morning. I continued to finish packing up with Elise while our trusty helpers Issao & Tommy loaded up the U-haul

With the U-haul ready, we headed off to the transport terminal. We had to unload everything from the U-haul and reload it onto a trailer, where every foot cost money. I think we did a better job on the second try:

Today we've taken care of odds and ends, including cleaning the house. It's sad to see our place so barren but hopefully it means we're ready, right?


  1. These transitions are always tough, but I'm glad you're moving onto better things. I'lll be following along and commenting on every post!

    Love always, your biggest blogger fan!

  2. Can't wait for Trey to meet Lizzy!
    Safe travels.
