Monday, November 3, 2014


I felt like a yo-yo yesterday going back and forth from our place. We did 2 round trips to goodwill, one to the dump and one to the workshop at Google.

I spent about 1.5hrs at the workshop with Issao and he built Lizzy a custom bench for the car. It extends the back seat right up to the passenger chair so she has enough room to lie down and sleep instead of being uncomfortable and hopping on the passenger. It's been a huge help!

This morning we loaded up the car and started the long route to just get out of California. Sadly, highway 5 is pretty motonous but I think I got the time lapse camera finally set up so I'll try and post that later so you can see for yourself. Either way, we're looking forward to a little more scenery tomorrow and beyond.


  1. Happy puppy! What a great idea... That'll be much more comfortable for her.

  2. It didn't stop her from bolting to the front today and also guilting Elise into letting her spend time on her lap when I'm driving. :)

    1. That's adorable! You can't blame her when she makes that cute face... either Lizzy OR Elise. ;-]

  3. It didn't stop her from bolting to the front today and also guilting Elise into letting her spend time on her lap when I'm driving. :)
